On September 20, 2020 We had a wonderful Zoom session to celebrate the Real Bread Campaign's Sourdough September. Representative Mary Buckingham of the Carl Griffith 1847 Oregon Trail Sourdough website spoke to us about the history of the sourdough starter we all share. Three wonderful speakers shared their sourdough journeys and how sourdough has impacted and/or changed their lives:
Ret. Navy Commander and Point Loma Rotary President Tim McCully,
Nurse Emily Roberts from Kentucky, a younf mother of two adorable children
Cafe Virtuoso Barista and local artist Mary Jhun joined us via video. You can watch Mary's inspirational video here
Our new Program Director Sabine Friedrich-Walter shared with us the importance of salt in bread baking, Sandy Spackman shared with us some pitfall to avaoid as a novice sourdough baker and I briefly touched on the nutritional benefits of sourdough based on information from Vanessa Kimbell's book The Sourdough School. Our co-founder Cody Aguilar functioned as our technical guide and also administered our drawings for the meaningful MyIntent bracelets and BREAD Encounters' special bread mix. We had a mystery guest who won one of the bracelets and whose family will soon be enjoying a "bread encounter" by participating in a date night LOVE bread session.
All in all, it was time worth spent with fellow sourdough enthusiasts from all over the US!